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Free & Confidential Support

We provide an array of pregnancy support to individuals in the Tri-Counties (Digby, Shelburne & Yarmouth), and beyond, who are met with an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy loss.

We also provide virtual support where necessary.

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Options Support 
Our goal is to offer a safe place where we can provide information and help you sort through your thoughts, feelings, and questions about an unexpected pregnancy.  


Free Pregnancy Tests 
We provide free urine-based pregnancy tests that are 99.5% accurate. Any pregnancy test should be confirmed by a doctor.


Referrals to Other Community Services
We work to create connections to a strong base of community groups and volunteers throughout the Tri-Counties to ensure you get the best care.


Prenatal, Parental & Life Skills Education
We offer a variety of sessions for prenatal/parenting education and life skills, such as budgeting, relationships, and support in fulfilling your short and long-term goals.

Maternity & Baby Supplies
We have a Family Closet with a variety of new and gently used items to help you when you're in crisis.
Those items include, but are not limited to

  • Prenatal vitamins

  • Maternity clothes

  • Supplies required for hospital stay

  • Layette bag of new items for baby

  • Diapers, formula, and baby food

  • Gently used baby clothing and other items

Our services are not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling, medical care, or prenatal care. We do not perform or arrange for abortions.

Adoption Support
We share information about adoption. We answer your questions/concerns about the adoption process.


Post-Abortion, Miscarriage & Infant-Loss Support
For those who are working through the difficult emotions that may be felt following pregnancy loss, we offer a safe place to grieve the loss and find professional help where needed.


Sexual Integrity & Relationship Mentoring
We offer abstinence-focused sexual education for youth. We provide information on sexually transmitted infections.


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Office Hours

Monday       10 am – 4 pm

Wednesday 10 am – 4 pm

Thursday     10 am – 4 pm


Call (902) 742-3865 for a virtual or on-site appt.


You may also use FB Messenger or email

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